So I arrived back to Australia safely, flying comfortably on Emirates Airline with Katie. I am however slightly annoyed as I started watching the movie
New Years Eve and didn't get to finish it. it was an alright movie but I just wanted to see what happened to the characters at the end ... will have to wait for another day to watch it. Katie and I arrived back into Brisbane Airport expecting to walk through the arrivals doors and have someone waiting for us ... it wasn't quite like that, we had to wait to be picked up but after waiting around for 15 minutes we were greeted by the smiling Danni, from Katie's team and Lucy, from Sam's team. I caught up with Ruth at our host home. It certainly is nice to be back in the warm Australia, where I am currently sat outside in 20 degree heat (which is warm for the middle of winter).
After a comfortable stay in our host home, Ruth and I headed out to Mass to meet up with the rest of the Netters and from there be heading on to mid-year training at Bornhoffen Camp on the boarder between Queensland and New South Wales. It was a beautifully surrounded by green mountains and misty mornings where you were greeted with steam rising from your breath, but there was the continuously lit fire in the dinning hall where we all spent most of our time. We spent 5 days being given inspirational talks, hanging out with our teams and having spontaneous Praise and Worship sessions.
This is a picture ... the little dots are glow worms. |
I'm still in Queensland but the boarder to New South Wales is on the cattle grid behind me |
Standing in QLD and NSW ... AT THE SAME TIME! |
So on one of the days we went as a massive group to see the glow worms, for a kiwi, it's not that new but for the North Americans it was a brand new experience of standing in a cave surrounded by glowing dots. Ruth and I were also taken on a 3 minute drive by our amazing Supervisor, Jill, to the boarder of New South Wales
I was however quite sick during the last few days of training as I suffered from five serious Asthma attacks in the last 3 days. I did have the amazing support of Jill who sat with me and helped me out through these attacks and even stayed with for a while whilst I slept after my attacks. You get very tired, very quickly after an attack so best thing for you is to have a nap. I have since been to the doctors and have been given two different inhalers one to take twice in the morning and twice in the evening and then the other to take every two hours ... so I'm puffing away. Let's just pray that I have to only do this for the next week and not for a prolonged period of time. I haven't had an attack since arriving in Emerald and I pray that I don't have one as the doctor ordered that I go to hospital during my next attack to be given a Steroid shot and put on a Nebuliser, which doesn't sound fun. I will keep you posted on my recovery over the next few weeks.
But all in all it's nice to be back in Emerald, in the warmth and the youth have over the moon to see us. I'm looking forward to the next few months and what God has in store for us as a team so get excited to hear all about it.